Hapy Write code in Hausa

Hapy is installed using Pip which comes with Python

$ pip install hapy

Congratulations! Hapy is now installed on your system. We're working on writing documentation for the language. But in the meantime you can play around with in in the editor and see examples on our github page.

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Python Code

Hapy is proudly Made In Nigeria

Contribute on Github

About Hapy

Hapy is a simple programming language for Hausa kids to learn Computational Thinking (CT). CT is a basic skill like literacy and numeracy and is made up of sub-skills such as abstraction, problem-solving, decomposition, and pattern recognition which are easily acquired through practice in programming. Unfortunately, most programming languages are in English, meaning those without at least a basic understanding of English are often discouraged from it. This is evident in Northern Nigeria which has some of the lowest literacy levels in the country.

With Hapy, students whose primary language is Hausa can learn the basics of programming and Computational Thinking. In addition, students gain a formative introduction to high-level programming languages such as Python to which Hapy compiles. Hapy can be used on the command-line or online. It supports basic features like loops, functions, variables, and classes.

History of Hapy

Hapy was created as a final school project in the Fall of 2021 by 3 coursemates and friends; Emmanuel Segun-Lean, Shugaba Wuta and Victor Alumma all students of the American University of Nigeria.
We'd love to have you as a collaborator or partner. Kindly reach out to Emmanuel

Features of Hapy

Hapy can be used to write basic programs. It supports basic programming features like:

  • Loops
  • Variable assignment
  • Arithmetic operations
  • Functions
  • Classes
  • Arrays and Lists
  • Conditional statements

A presentation on Hapy

Emmanuel gave a short presentation on Hapy as part of the VirtualCoffee community Lightning Talks


Logo was designed by digital artist Tobi Segun-Lean